north africa,
the middle east,
and south east asia
must be saved!
Preaching the Gospel in regions beyond
“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?”
Evangelism is priority #1! GHMI has seen over 3 million decisions for Christ in 22 years. North Africa, the Middle East, and South East Asia must be saved!
GHMI desires for all of God’s children to prosper. We look for ways to empower impoverished and marginalized people through skilled work. We point them to their Saviour, while removing obstacles to a better life and placing dignity and respect within their reach.
GHMI does the work of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry. We support the local church by providing discipleship programs for ministers and new converts.
Both medical missions and faith healings have played an important role in GHMI’s history. Clinics have been built and terminal illnesses have been miraculously healed. The lame walk, the blind see, and the dead are raised!
“i have never, in my 50 years of ministry, seen someone called with such a heart for the harvest!”
— Rev. Paul Yuke, Founding Pastor & Apostolic Facilitator of Toronto City Church
Operational Bases
north Africa
For 22 years GHMI has been making a difference in North Africa. From our base in Arua, Uganda, we launch mass crusades into South Sudan, Congo and more. We have established churches, medical centres, and schools, spreading the hope of Jesus Christ.
the Middle East
The gospel is reaching the most desperate places in the Middle East through innovative measures. God has been establishing inroads for GHMI to minister in Pakistan since 2016. From our base in Faisalabad, we are building multiple GHMI churches and a school for slave children. The Middle East shall be saved!
South east Asia
GHMI supports the most vulnerable communities and spreads the hope of Christ through their missionary partnerships in the Philippines and Thailand. Together with our partners we provide funding for mentorship programs, a Bible College, as well as humanitarian relief. We are in awe of how God has used GHMI to bless this community.
“I don’t know of anybody who is as hardworking, dedicated, and has hazarded their life for the gospel the way they have!”
—Rev. John Finochio, Lead Pastor of Crossroads Life Church, Harriston, Ontario
Operation Philip
Operation Philip is the lifeblood of GHMI, based upon Philip’s example in Acts 8:5-8.
On rough roads wherever the gospel has not been preached, Mark and a team of Pastors, leaders, and skilled technicians, move in with their vehicles, set up stages, generators, and sound equipment to conduct evangelistic meetings—preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Tens of thousands have accepted Jesus as Saviour. Thousands have been healed. Cities and nations have been changed because of this powerful outreach.
Operation Andrew
Operation Andrew is based on John 1:41-42. Andrew’s first act upon meeting the Messiah was to find his brother and lead him to Jesus.
Operation Andrew is an international initiative to help individuals with their personal witness in leading people to Jesus. Its mission is to take the gospel message outside the local church into the streets, beaches, and cities enabling individuals to grow in their giftings developing boldness in personal evangelism.
Operation Andrew also has grown to include larger churches adopting smaller churches or isolated ministries. This overwhelming outpour of love on a community makes a huge impact. Often this takes shape through mini-mission trips providing manpower for outreach efforts bringing visibility to the church.
The vision of Operation Andrew is the body of Christ working together, extending the kingdom of God in the four corners of the earth!
Operation Barnabas
Operation Barnabas Perpetual Bible School was birthed in Uganda out of a need to equip the called.
Traditional seminaries are out of reach for many Pastors, resulting in disconnected ministers who are unskilled in the Word.
Students of Operation Barnabas remain in their pulpits while receiving instruction. Pastors are taught through notes and audio teachings on memory sticks using radios with USB capabilities. Audio lessons are provided in part by Jerry Savelle Ministries Canada.
Operation Barnabas traverses denominational and regional divides to further its goal of evangelizing!
operation rescue
Women and families living in poverty are provided with a safe and profitable environment for them to create an income through Operation Rescue.
Operation Rescue takes the gospel to people living in oppression. At the same time, it seeks to give dignified work to marginalized populations including women involved in the sex trade and families in modern slavery. The goal is to break the cycle of poverty and oppression for future generations while tangibly improving the lives of those under the yoke of slavery.
Women are empowered as they learn trades and sell their creations rather than their bodies. Factory slaves are given provisions and child slaves are educated. The marginalized must be saved!
Operation Esther Child
Operation Esther Child has evolved over the years to accommodate the changing needs of children in the third world. From children living in poverty in the Philippines to factory slaves in Pakistan to juvenile delinquents in Uganda, Operation Esther Child brings the hope of Christ to all children regardless of background or circumstances.
global guest house
GHMI ministry compound operates as a Christian Guest House when it is not being used to launch evangelism teams.
It is open to accommodate church and ministry teams as well as missionaries who travel through Arua to South Sudan and Eastern Congo.
The Guest House is fully staffed and a moderate fee is charged for accommodations. Breakfast may be arranged upon request
Arua Pentecostal Churches INITIATIVE
Arua Pentecostal Church Initiative Limited (APCIL) is under the Apostolic direction of Mark Davy. The vision is to build a strong international church in this crossroads city where Islam and Catholicism have dominated.
Situated in a strategic area where countries, cultures, and religions intersect, APCIL has withstood a great many storms and remained strong against tremendous spiritual assaults. It is a bulwark of faith and a witness to God’s goodness far and wide.
Through COVID-19, APCIL has continued to welcome worshippers at the Global Guest House location, fostering community and offering provision to those most vulnerable in this remote area of Uganda.
Mark Davy provides apostolic leadership to over 60 churches in 5 African Countries through the Arua Pentecostal Churches Initiative.
Global Harvest Ministries International is establishing church campuses in the Middle East, lead by local pastors under the apostolic oversight of Mark and Sharon Davy.
GHMI believes and supports local churches. All of our evangelism and humanitarian efforts are done through the local church body and its ministry teams.
Vanin medical Centre
This beautiful Medical Centre in Kajumiro, Uganda was transferred to Global Harvest Ministries in December 2016.
The clinic is named in honour of the sacrifice and commitment of missionaries Ron and Lynn Vanin, who pioneered this project.
Plans are being made to complete the building and acquire medical supplies and equipment as provision becomes available. We are believing to have this centre up and running this year.