the Middle East
GHMI in the Middle East
GHMI is recognized as a Non-Government agency in Pakistan. Phase one of the GHMI Church has been constructed in Faisalabad. The GHMI ministry team ministers to slave families in Bagaywala where GHMI will build a church and school. A teacher is currently educating the children for two days a week under a tree until the construction of the school/church is complete.
Operation Philip Pakistan
Evangelist Mark Davy preached the gospel in Lahore, Pakistan in February 2016.
A crowd of 15,000 people gathered under a tent hungry to hear about Jesus and see His power demonstrated through healings.
During that mission over 12,000 people made decisions to follow Jesus.
Expanding in Pakistan
GHMI headquarters in Faisalabad. Pictured is the Canadian GHMI team alongside the Pakistani pastoral team with their security escort. God is opening up Pakistan to the gospel, making a way for GHMI to shine a light in this community.
Kingdom building in faisalabad
Construction of the GHMI office building and church campus in Faisalabad is underway.
Global Harvest Ministries International is establishing church campuses in the Middle East, lead by local pastors under the apostolic oversight of Mark Davy.
GHMI believes in and supports local churches. All of our evangelism and humanitarian efforts are done through the local church body and its ministry teams.
Impacting slavery
In a world of modern slavery, GHMI preaches the true message of Christ our Saviour and the identity we have as children of God. We are able to feed, clothe and educate these families enslaved at the brick factory in Bagaywala, helping to improve their quality of life while also bringing them to the experience of the freedom of Christ.
current Operations in the Middle East
Operation Philip
Operation Philip is the lifeblood of GHMI, based upon Philip’s example in Acts 8:5-8.
On rough roads wherever the gospel has not been preached, Mark and a team of Pastors, leaders, and skilled technicians, move in with their vehicles, set up stages, generators, and sound equipment to conduct evangelistic meetings—preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Tens of thousands have accepted Jesus as Saviour. Thousands have been healed. Cities and nations have been changed because of this powerful outreach.
Operation BarnabAs
Operation Barnabas Perpetual Bible School was birthed in Uganda out of a need to equip the called.
Traditional seminaries are out of reach for many converts, resulting in disconnected ministers unskilled in the Word.
Students of Operation Barnabas are able to remain in their pulpits while receiving instruction. Pastors are taught through notes and audio teachings on memory sticks and radios with USB capabilities. Audio lessons provided in part by Jerry Savelle Ministries Canada.
Operation Barnabas traverses the denominational and regional divide to further its goal of reaching the lost!
Operation Rescue
Women and families living in poverty are provided with a safe and profitable environment for them to create an income through Operation Rescue.
Operation Rescue takes the gospel to people living in oppression. At the same time, it seeks to give dignified work to marginalized populations including women involved in the sex trade and families in modern slavery. The goal is to break the cycle of poverty and oppression for future generations while tangibly improving the lives of those under the yoke of slavery.
Women are empowered as they learn trades and sell their creations rather than their bodies. Factory slaves are given provisions and child slaves are educated. The marginalized must be saved!
Operation andrew
Operation Andrew is based on John 1:41-42. Andrew’s first act upon meeting the Messiah was to find his brother and lead him to Jesus.
Operation Andrew is an international initiative to help individuals with their personal witness in leading people to Jesus. Its mission is to take the gospel message outside the local church into the streets, beaches, and cities enabling individuals to grow in their giftings developing boldness in personal evangelism.
Operation Andrew also has grown to include larger churches adopting smaller churches or isolated ministries. This overwhelming outpour of love on a community makes a huge impact. Often this takes shape through mini-mission trips providing manpower for outreach efforts bringing visibility to the church.
The vision of Operation Andrew is the body of Christ working together, extending the kingdom of God in the four corners of the earth!
Operation Esther Child
Operation Esther Child has evolved over the years to accommodate the changing needs of children in the third world. From children living in poverty in the Philippines to factory slaves in Pakistan to juvenile delinquents in Uganda, Operation Esther Child brings the hope of Christ to all children regardless of background or circumstances.
Global Harvest Ministries International is establishing church campuses in the Middle East, lead by local pastors under the apostolic oversight of Mark Davy.
GHMI believes and supports local churches. All of our evangelism and humanitarian efforts are done through the local church body and its ministry teams.