Preaching the Gospel in regions beyond

Over 3 million decisions for Christ in the last 22 years!



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Our vision

From Somalia to Senegal, Entebbe to Istanbul and the uttermost parts of the earth, the vision of Global Harvest is to preach the gospel and demonstrate the works of Christ in regions beyond. Mark seeks out regions where the gospel has not yet been preached and where people have not yet heard the message that Jesus is the Saviour of the world. The gospel is taken to these regions via mass crusades where thousands are saved and healed by the power of God.


“This is a safe place to send your people. They’ll be enlarged. they’ll be challenged. they’ll grow.”

—Pastors Gary & Beth Mason, Medicine Hat Family Church

Meet our team



Portrait of elegant therapist wearing suit standing holding coffee cup and a folder and looking at camera.



Portrait of pretty Caucasian therapist in elegant dress and smiling while standing at modern office.
Portrait of handsome young smiling therapist holding smartphone and looking at camera.



“They are a cutting edge ministry that is truly impacting the world that we live in.”

— Rev. Rick Ciaramitaro, President, Minister’s Network Canada

“They’ve always—every time—strengthened the church . . . It’s always been a life-changing time.”

— Pastors David & Jeanne McGrew, Vice President, Minister’s Network Canada

Make it count for eternity